Being The Best You Can Be

Being The Best You Can Be

Here in Kivulini, one of our goals is for staff within the centre to be the best they can be. We continue to make staff development a priority through an in-house training programme for both clinical and administrative staff. The clinical training has been part of the...
Emergency Care in the Air

Emergency Care in the Air

This week in Kivulini we were faced with many more obstetric emergencies. Women arrive at all hours of the day from all the rural communities that surround us. Mostly they are unannounced so we always have to be in a state of readiness in the maternity unit. On Monday...


Hadija is only eight years old. She fell and was impaled on a stick injuring her urethra and causing a large fistula. Leaking urine continually she was teased and unable to go to school. After suffering for six months, she was found by our outreach team and brought to...
Outpatients Clinic At Kivulini

Outpatients Clinic At Kivulini

We are delighted that here in Kivulini Maternity Centre we are having more and more women attending for free, quality antenatal, postnatal and family planning care. The rural community around the centre is demonstrating trust by attending for these outpatient...
Hitting New Heights

Hitting New Heights

All of Maternity Africa’s donors and supporters are the lifeblood of Maternity Africa. Recently we had one special visitor who got to see first hand how her fundraising effort made a difference in women’s lives. Sarah, a high school student, fundraised US$5,200 to...