Maternity Africa is delighted that Hosiana has become a member of our team.

At the beginning of this year, Hosiana came here for an eight week placement during her course at Tengeru Institute of Community Development. We were so impressed by her commitment and love for the women, that we negotiated with her sponsor, Unite the World with Africa Foundation, Inc., and pursued a further placement for her to work at Kivulini Maternity Centre.

Hosiana arrived at the beginning of September. She has already impacted the projects that we are developing around maternity care for teenagers and the education and empowerment for those vulnerable women who come for fistula treatment.

Hosiana comes from a remote Maasai village in the Mkuru area of Northern Tanzania. She and her baby attended community outreach training by Unite a few years ago.  The Unite team was delighted by her questions and insight and decided that she was an ideal candidate to be sponsored through higher education.

Hosiana completed her certificate in Community Health in August and joined the team here in Kivulini Maternity Centre with a plan to spend a year with us and have the opportunity her to apply her training in practice.

Last week Hosiana was one of five employees that completed a five-day in-house counselling course. Her skills will develop the emotional care and compassion we deliver to these precious, vulnerable women who have experienced so much difficulty and isolation before coming to Kivulini Maternity Centre.

We are grateful that the Ben McDonald Fund sponsored the course. Thank you also to Unite the World Foundation, Inc. for choosing to send Hosiana, such a beautiful young, Maasai woman to be on our team.

Maternity Africa’s work continues to grow and develop here near Arusha. This is possible through the kindness and generosity of our donors and partners. They work with us to bring hope and healing to those women in our community who deserve the best we can offer. If you would like to help the work of Maternity Africa, please follow the link below. Asante sana (thank you).