It was a joy to welcome these two brothers – premature twins – into the world on Friday at Kivulini Maternity Centre here in Northern Tanzania. Here they are, wrapped up to retain their precious body heat. They are still with us to help ensure that they are growing properly, and they are doing very well.
On this Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom, would you like to help with our Mother’s Day Appeal, making childbirth safe for more special babies like these two and their mums?
You may donate any sum you wish. For some ideas of how your gift could help:
A gift of £15 helps to provide for a normal birth.
A gift of £25 helps to save a life by emergency Caesarean Section.
A gift of £50 helps to care for a sick baby in our high dependency unit.
A gift of £100 helps to buy 15 delivery packs – essential items needed for the safe delivery of 15 babies.
Thank you very much for your care, kindness and generosity.
In association with our partners IMPACT Foundation and everydayhero.
Click here to donate to Maternity Africa: