Maternity Africa recently hired a new doctor-in-charge at Kivulini Maternity Centre. After his orientation, he formalised a system of morning reporting. In attendance each day are the clinical supervisors, doctors, Country Director, matron, nurse training facilitator and social worker.

The doctors and nurses report on the number of patients in the wards, how they are, how many patients with ‘special cases’ are in the wards and if there were and challenges during the night

In addition to the physical needs, attention is also drawn to any patients who could benefit from psychological support/counseling, and Maternity Africa’s social worker subsequently speaks with them.

The doctor also reminds clinical staff of the importance of taking vital signs accurately, especially blood pressure.

The morning meetings are great mechanisms for positive, constructive feedback about the clinical activities of the previous day and night, and contribute to creating a culture of openness, care and continuous improvement.

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