Mama Mbabakwini arrived at Kivulini after being in obstructed labour for 2 days – trying desperately to deliver her 5th baby in her Maasai
Village. The baby was still alive …just…      ( most babies can only survive the ordeal of an obstructed labour for 24hrs then sadly they die from lack of oxygen) But this little one still had a chance.

The baby was delivered by Caesarean section. The baby was a blue colour, not crying, not breathing and his limbs fell limply to his
side as he was transferred to a resuscitation trolley. After 5minutes of active resuscitation, the baby breathed for himself and gave a
feeble cry. Within 12 hours the baby no longer required oxygen therapy and was able to be cuddled by his very grateful Mama.

When Mama was asked what she thought would have happened to her and her baby if she had not come to Kivulini, she replied ” I think disability or even death for me and my baby. ” Mama was absolutely correct. The most common disability from obstructed labour is an obstetric fistula where there is a hole between the bladder and the birth canal or a hole between the bowel and the birth canal, or both. Leaving the mother with the devastating legacy of leaking urine and or faeces. Kivulini can offer free fistula repair surgery and free hospital care for any Mama in Tanzania suffering an obstetric fistula.

Mama Mbabakwini kissing her new born baby