Anna’s story of hope

Anna’s story of hope

Anna is among the many women who attend Maternity Africa’s Kivulini Maternity Centre in northern Tanzania for maternal health services.  She became a widow recently, and is now a mother of three children. Since her husband died, her in-laws made Anna’s life incredibly...
Mary needs your help

Mary needs your help

Meet Mary. She is 42 years old and comes from Shanyanga, a rural region in Northern Tanzania. In 1999, Mary was in labour for more than 24 hours, and she delivered a dead baby. She also suffered a horrific fistula, because of her long and protracted labour....
A new home for Loveness

A new home for Loveness

Loveness is a mother of five children.  She is pregnant with her sixth child.  She lives near Maternity Africa’s Kivulini Maternity Centre in a small village called Duka Bovu. Sadly, her husband was killed recently during a robbery at the house where he worked as a...