A Perilous Pregnancy: Joni Kabana – Stories
This is an inspiring story about the bravery of women in Ethiopia. Here is one story about a girl named Degie who came to us while we were in Mota, Ethiopia. Click here to watch this beautiful tale.
Maalika: My Life Among the Afar Nomads of Africa
The biography of Valerie Browning was published in 2007 by Pan McMillan. This was co–written with John Little. This gives a good insight to the work of the Afar Pastoral Development Association as well as some good insight into the Afar peoples. Click here to purchase your copy today.
60 Minutes – Desert Angel
60 minutes ran a segment on Valerie Browning and the Afar Pastoral Development Association. Click here to watch the full story.
‘Obstetric Fistula’ – Dr. A Browning
The RCOG World Congress 2013 took place in Liverpool, UK on 24-26 June 2013, where Dr. Browning delivered this keynote lecture. Click here to see Dr. Andrew’s address.
Browning, A & Menber, B. (2015). Reducing maternal morbidity and mortality in the developing world a simple cost effective example. International Journey of Women’s Health, 2015:(7), 155-159. Click here
Pope, R., Bangser, M., & Requejo, J. H. (2011). Restoring dignity: social reintegration after obstetric fistula repair in Ukerewe, Tanzania. Global public health, 6(8), 859-873. Available here
Browning, A. (2012) The problem of continuing urinary incontinence after obstetric vesicovaginal surgery. Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Available here
Browning, A., Allsworth, J. E., & Wall, L. L. (2010). The Relationship Between Female Genital Cutting and Obstetric Fistulas. Obstetrics and Gynecology,115(3), 578. Available here
Browning, A., Lewis, A., & Whiteside, S. (2014). Predicting women at risk for developing obstetric fistula: a fistula index? An observational study comparison of two cohorts. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,121(5), 604-609. Available here
Thompson, M. R. (2011). Practical Obstetric Fistula Surgery B. Hancock A.
Browning 236× 162 mm. Pp. 167. Illustrated. 2009. Royal Society of Medicine Press: London. ISBN‐13: 978‐1853157660. British Journal of Surgery, 98(3), 466-466.