A neighbour living close to Kivulini Maternity Centre was driving home from work the other day.  He noticed a young woman collapsed on the side of the dirt road.  The young woman appeared to be suffering terrible pain, alone and ‘very’ pregnant.  The neighbour stopped to help the young woman into the back seat of his 4×4 vehicle.  He quickly drove her the remaining short distance to Kivulini Maternity Centre.

Upon arrival at Kivulini Maternity Centre, one of our midwives opened the car door just in time as the young woman screamed “It’s coming!”  The midwife quickly and carefully positioned the young woman on the back seat.  Moments later, the midwife caught the new-born baby, still there in the car.

Earlier that morning, the woman had left her home, on foot, once she believed she was in labour, not having experienced it before. 

There was a great and very beautiful outcome: another safe delivery; another mother and her baby both alive.

This young mother’s story of laboring alone and walking on foot to find help is familiar here in rural Tanzania.  Kivulini Maternity Centre is delighted to help.