This is Lucas Toroya, Maternity Africa’s Outreach Coordinator. Lucas is a social worker, and is very familiar with cultural and health-related matters across Tanzania. This fortnight, Lucas is in Simiyu, a neighbouring region where some estimates report that only 42% of deliveries are assisted by skilled birth attendants.

Lucas visits medical dispensaries, community markets, churches and other faith-based organisations to introduce Maternity Africa, and the services we provide for vulnerable and marginalised women and girls. He also works in consultation with District Government officials, so that we can align ourselves with their priorities too.

With the next fistula camp scheduled to take place in June, Lucas is also raising awareness of that, in advance of more focused screening trips to find more patients so that they can come to Kivulini Maternity Centre for treatment.

Lucas and his team travel widely across Tanzania, raising awareness of Maternity Africa and the life-changing work that our clinical teams provide, undertaking fistula repair work, and making childbirth safe.

Thank you Lucas and your team. We appreciate you.