Monica Ndege is a Tanzanian registered Nurse and Midwife with more than 27 years of working experience.  Monica is a holder of a BA in Theology and Masters in Psychology.

Monica has worked with Medical Missionary of Mary Sisters, Diocese of Bomfin and Arch Diocese of Salvador in Brazil and the Arch Diocese of Arusha (Tanzania) and World Vision International.  She has a wide experience across Africa (Kenya & Tanzania): Europe (Ireland); South America (Brazil) and Northern America (USA) where she was involved in the fields including: health; community development and personal development.

Her greatest passion is youth and children, for many years she has been involved in children’s and youth ministries where she has offered physical, spiritual and psychological services bringing healing into their bodies and lives.

Monica is currently working with World Vision Tanzania and ESAMI – Eastern and Southern Africa as a part time community development consultant/trainer. She consults on Empowered World View; Celebrating Families; Channels of Hope-Child protection; Occupational Health and project Management.

Monica is interested in gender equality as both an end in itself, and as a means of improving family income, health and nutrition.