by Michael Hynds | Jun 5, 2019 | Equipment and Furnishing, Kivulini, News, Story
Today is World Environment Day. Maternity Africa cares about the environment. Kivulini Maternity Centre has a biogas storage and utilisation system in which human waste can decompose safely. The gases are then used for cooking in the kitchen. Kivulini Maternity Centre...
by Michael Hynds | Apr 5, 2019 | Equipment and Furnishing, Kivulini, News, Staff, Story
Many people work behind the scenes at Kivulini Maternity Centre. They all have valuable roles, making childbirth safe. This is Thamarati. She is a 22 years old, and is our gardener. When it is hot and dry, Thamarati works hard watering our plants and gardens,...
by Maternity Africa | Oct 15, 2016 | Equipment and Furnishing
For use in: all wards Please ask for details Guideline Unit Cost TZS 43,606.00 [gravityform id=”1″ title=”true” description=”true”]
by Maternity Africa | Oct 15, 2016 | Equipment and Furnishing
To fit bed 190 cm x 90 cm For use in: all wards Quantity required: 50 Guideline Unit Cost TZS 218,030.00 [gravityform id=”1″ title=”true” description=”true”]
by Maternity Africa | Oct 15, 2016 | Equipment and Furnishing
To fit bed 190 cm x 90 cm For use in: all wards Quantity required: 200 Guideline Unit Cost TZS 21,803.00 [gravityform id=”1″ title=”true” description=”true”]
by Maternity Africa | Oct 15, 2016 | Equipment and Furnishing
For use in: all wards Quantity required: 50 Guideline Unit Cost TZS 159,583.76 [gravityform id=”1″ title=”true” description=”true”]